Nau mai haere mai
Tihe mauri ora!
E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e rau rangatira mā
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
Behold the breath of life!
To all authorities, all voices, to the many chiefs gathered here
Greetings, greetings, greetings to everyone
Welcome! to Maori Initiatives Charitable Trust.
You are standing in Melchizedek Marae - so named after our beloved Atua, Melchizedek (Ihu Karaiti Yeshua) Elisheva (אֱלִישֶׁבַע), meaning
"God of righteous and abundance"
John 8:12
To help make your visit with us memorable;
All Maori Initiatives information can be accessed in one of three place of the Marae. Please refer to the instructions below for a quick orientation guide thank you.
Tahi - Kaupapa (Vision/mission)
Maori initiatives Vision related content is available via the "left hand wall" of the Rongo (Peace) space of the Marae. Click any one of the kowhaiwhai (painted rafters/poupou) to access information.
Rua - Whakapapa (Lineage)
Maori initiatives Wairua tapu or spiritual related content is available via the "right hand wall" of the Rongo space of the Marae. Click on any one of the kowhaiwhai (painted rafters/poupou) to access information.
Toru - Ritenga (Practice)
Maori initiatives operational content can be accessed via the Whata Hakari (Network exchange hub). Click on the “back wall” to access the Whata Hakari.