Maori Initiatives (Mi)
Maori Initiatives is a Christ centered tikanga Maori Charitable Trust in partnership via Tiriti o Waitangi.
The trust exists to serve communities, towns and nations in economic development.
1. To preserve the balance of Mana Atua, Mana Tupuna, Mana Whenua
2. To acknowledge the mauri and wairua of Mana Atua, Tupuna and Whenua extending from the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, transient triune nature of Io Matua Kore
3. To enhance taurikura prosperity (te ira tangata) through mentoring programs and application of Kingdom living in practice
4. To promote the Whata Hakari network exchange hub for kotahitangata and Manaakitanga to be expressed through sharing of Matauranga, whakamana, rawa and ohanga
5. Recognize, respect and implement the dual heritage of the partners of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi)
6. Respect the cultural diversity of people and encourage people from all nationalities to utilize the trusts facilities and services
7. Seek to inspire people to reach their full potential
8. Work cooperatively with regional, national and international community
groups, organizations and businesses
9. Maintain the highest standards of professionalism and integrity
10. Maintain the trusts tikanga Maori values
11.Champion and promote economic, social, cultural and spiritual
prosperity for all peoples
a) Paipera Tapu – Walk in the ways and teachings of Jesus Christ
John 8:12, 2 Chron 7:14
b) Kawenata – Journey as a Tiriti o Waitangi kawenata, covenant and
relational partner;
c) Hapahapai – advocate the replacement of poverty with prosperity of the
heart for whanau, hapu, iwi, people and Ao whanau
3 John 1:2, Ps 35:27
d) Taonga tuku iho – Advocate for the retention, restoration, improvement
and utilization of all iwi and hapu land ownership
Duet 32:8
e) Kaitiaki – Steward the Whata Hakari (apostolic network exchange hub)
by administering tikanga practices and procedures for access and use of
the Whata Hakari
Isa 62:10, Isa 45:3
f) Manaakitanga – Promote and support regional, national and
international participation and partners with the Whata Hakari;
Matt 22:37
g) Waharoa – Establish relationships with hapu, iwi, people and ao whanui
h) Kotahitanga – Foster unity between hapu, iwi, people and ao whanui
Eph. 2:15
i) Kawa/Tikanga – Preserve and augment the Business For Culture
mandate, established in 1980 between Hawaii and Maori, by the late
Kenneth Lele Brown and respected Maori representatives.
Steve and Kelly Hutana (Chair)
Murray and Lupatea Wynn
Greg Hutana
Bruce Christensen (Trustee)
Craig and Savea Crawford (I.T support)
Kelly Hutana (Accounts)
Whakatauki Proverb
Kaumatua Wikitoria
“Te Haunga o te Hangi”
The Aroma of hope rising up from the ground
Whakatauki by Kaumatua Wikitoria
Whakatauk Proverb
Kaumatua uncle
Jo Naden
“Ko te kainga te whakaruruhau o te whanau; ki te kore he kainga ma te marangai te whanau e hemo.”
The home is the shelter of the whanau; if there is no home the whanau becomes victim of the elements